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Campus Information

The Mission Statement of Elmer G. Bondy Intermediate School

To meet the needs of every student.


1.  Texas Mentor School in 1993

2.  Recipient of the Elmer Watson Award for Outstanding Middle School in Region IV in the 95-96 school year. (Awarded by the Texas Middle SchoolAssociation)

3. District Commendation-1997

4. "Exemplary" rating for continued improvement of student achievement for 1997, awarded by the H.O.S.T. Learning Corporation

5. A Texas Exemplary Campus 2000

6.  A Texas Recognized Campus in 1996, 1997, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010.

7.  2012-2013 Met Standards with Distinctions in  Academic Achievement in Mathematics and Academic Achievement in Top 25 Percent Student Progress.

8.  2013-2014 Featured Nationally as a High-Progress Reward School with Distinctions in all 7 Areas:  Academic Achievement in Reading/English Language Arts;  Academic Achievement in Mathematics;  Academic Achievement in Science;  Academic Achievement in Social Studies;  Top 25 Percent: Student Progress;  Top 25 Percent: Closing Performance Gaps; Postsecondary Readiness.

9. 2014-2015 Met Standards with Distinctions in Academic Achievement in Mathematics and  Top 25 Percent in Closing Performance Gaps.

10. 2015-2016 Met Standards with Distinctions in Mathematics, Social Studies, Top 25 Percent Closing Performance Gaps, Top 25 Percent Student Progress, and Top 25 Percent in Postsecondary Readiness.